Understanding Blackbaud applicant data
In Blackbaud, each student has a status. Blackbaud data doesn't have a definitive marker for "applicant", applicants fall under "inquiries" in the system.
In order to sync your applicants from Blackbaud, Market View looks for statuses that have “applicant” in the name, plus any statuses that could have an applicant status as a parent status.
This usually excludes the inquiry statuses, since students usually can’t progress from “applicant” status to “inquiry”, but it depends on how a school sets up their statuses.
If you are missing students from your "applicants" list in Market View, change their status or parent status to include the word "applicant". Then refresh your data and you should see them included.
If you have questions about your applicant data, please get in touch.
If you are having trouble syncing your Blackbaud data, please confirm the following steps are true. Blackbaud requires *three* types of permissions in order to sync your data.
If all of the above are true, and you're still having issues, please get in touch! Here is the template for reporting data discrepancies.
2024 Enrollments
2024 Applications
2023 Enrollments
2023 Applications
In addition, please let us know if there are any particular student record types that are missing from the data being synced over.
Market View 6, released in fall 2022, enables schools to sync admissions data from their admission software. This guide walks you through how to set this up.
This guide is for schools who are NAIS members, and use Blackbaud for admissions or application data.
After one person at your school completes this process, the integration will work for everyone at your school. Each user should use their own login. Any NAIS member school can have unlimited staff accounts. Add and manage your school's roster at my.nais.org.
This integration syncs two types of data from Blackbaud into Market View.
Applicants. If it exists, we will sync names, grades, addresses, and student IDs for students who applied to your school.
Enrollments. If it exists, we will sync names, grades, addresses, and student IDs for students who enrolled in your school.
Market View is committed to the highest security of your data. We encrypt all data in transit from your admission software, and any time it is used. We encrypt the data within our database. Your data will never leave our database or be shared. We take data security and privacy extremely seriously. Read more about how Market View protects your data.
You'll need to go to Core > Security > Roles. (Do not try to manage roles for this from the security/control panel area).
Find the role in the list and choose Manage Roles from the menu.
Go to Members, Add member and search for yourself to add.
You'll need these roles:
Platform Manager or Environment Admin
Academic Group Manager, Schedule Manager, or Platform Manager
SKY API Data Sync
Admissions Manager
This step must be performed by one of your school’s administrators of Blackbaud, someone with “Platform Manager”, "Environment Admin" or equivalent permissions. If you aren’t an admin, feel free to forward these instructions to someone who is.
This step requires an admin user of Blackbaud with one of the following roles: Academic Group Manager, Schedule Manager, Platform Manager. In addition, the user must have the Admissions Manager role and Sky API Data Sync role. If that's not you, feel free to send these instructions to your administrator to complete.
Get an error? Need more help? Email marketview@nais.org.