AI Use & Sustainability

AI computing power can be resource-intensive. Read how Market View approaches sustainability and AI tech.

Market View's Comparisons AI feature uses AI technology. AI technology has come under scrutiny because of the massive computing power it requires to run.

Each day, Market View uses less AI computing power than an average user talking to ChatGPT. We are intentionally making our footprint as small as possible.

Market View sends a school's data to OpenAI for summary and insights once. If the data changes, we send it again to OpenAI for updates. This process is extremely efficient and narrowly scoped.

Even though our footprint is small, we take our water and energy use seriously. As educators, it's our responsibility to steward the planet for future generations.

Market View offsets the emissions generated by our AI use. We know that carbon offsets have their limitations, but it is important to mitigate our energy use until our tech is fully renewably powered. We purchase our carbon offsets from Native Eco.

NAIS uses OpenAI for our AI features. Microsoft Azure runs the servers powering OpenAI, and Azure is supposed to be on 100% renewable energy in 2025. Read more about Azure's sustainability goals here.

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